Some Stuff About Me:

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I'm a Minnesota Girl, living in the south. I tell my friends I try not to talk and think like a Yankee, but sometimes I slip up!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010



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There is nothing quite so evocative, for me, as poetry written about books and the love of books. Here's a favorite, and also a haiku that I wrote about books.


Just looking at them
I grow greedy, as if they were
freshly baked loaves
waiting on their shelves
to be broken open---that one
and that---and I make my choice
in a mood of exalted luck,
browsing among them
like a cow in sweetest pasture.

For life is continuous
as long as they wait
to be read---these inked paths
opening into the future, page
after page, every book
its own receding horizon,
And I hold them, one in each hand,
a curious ballast weighting me
here to the earth.

~Linda Pastan


Summer bookworm or

Forgetter of what needs me--

Reading on and on.



Cara Powers said...

I love your haiku, and I really love that first one. I know exactly that feeling. I get it every time I walk through a bookstore.

Kelly said...

The Linda Pastan poem is one of my favorites!

I always love your Haiku and this is no exception.

Anonymous said...


I am definitely with you on this. I, too love poetry about books and the love of books and reading.

And I loved Linda Pastan's poem and your haiku (and I remember that you once shared your
"Haiku For Booklovers" with us).


gautami tripathy said...

For a book lover, those are simply marvellous! Glad I read those.

sleeping dreams

Marion said...

Great, inspiring post, Quid. I love that Pastan poem, too, and your Haiku is just perfect. Blessings!

Percy Bisque Silley said...

So then... Did ye Snore as ye Slept?