Some Stuff About Me:

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I'm a Minnesota Girl, living in the south. I tell my friends I try not to talk and think like a Yankee, but sometimes I slip up!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

FreeVerse Wednesday

Chance or Fate?

Chance or fate? What led
Us here to this defining
Moment of our lives?

Would that we kept our
Souls separate, the way that
Others wished them.

Feigning innocence,
Keeping those glances hidden from
The view of our world.

What magic, what twist
Of mindful activity
Brought us here? To this --

Our fork in the road
Our place and time of choice to
Determine: Chance? Fate?

Neither matter if
The answer is the same, that
We belong together.


This little poem is from 2003. I was enamored of the 5-7-5 rhythm of haiku, and wrote in that format, although the poem sings its own song, and doesn't have any other characteristics of haiku. I think, at that time, that I needed to have my potential loves, my formula. No longer. Like all poets, I think I've found that love follows no set course, has no parameters. I would like it to be orderly, I would like to be able to predict. I cannot.


Thanks to Cara of "Oooh, books", for hosting this at Freeverse. Click on the link below for more.



Marion said...

Beautiful poem, Quid. I love the flow and form. I vote chance. I think fate is fickle. LOL! Love & Blessings!!

Kelly said...

This is really nice! You know how much I enjoy Haiku, so this form works for me.

Pam said...

Love it! Of course, I love all your poetry! :)