Some Stuff About Me:

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I'm a Minnesota Girl, living in the south. I tell my friends I try not to talk and think like a Yankee, but sometimes I slip up!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Had I chosen to write of the VP debate last night, I probably wouldn't have been able to stop.

I'm still stunned by the fact that the American people (by the look of the polls after the debate) have finally shucked the blindfold off their eyes and can see what is before them. Unlike the people who fell for Dubya's "Aw shucks" man of the people persona and the thinly veiled contempt of Dick Cheney for anyone who isn't a rich, white, Conservative Republican villain like himself, the American public saw the Sarah Palin I saw a month ago. The one to be afraid of. Not to mention the chauvinist who forced her upon the public.

Don't get me many ways, Sarah Palin stopped the bleeding (her own, not McCain's). But overall, here is the best word I can use to describe her debate performance. She was "chipper". Someone incoherent, highly prone to the sound bite, marching to the beat of her well-instructed own persona, she was "chipper".

Although there are many moments... the powers of the Vice Presidency, the movement of the embassy to Jerusalem, the "shout out" to her brother's 3rd grade classroom, the response about oil and gas to Gwen Ifill's question about the bankruptcy courts, the "raise the white flag of surrender" posturing, the callous indifference to an emotional moment for Biden... oh, the list goes on, here, in her exact words, are the phrases with which she described the negative to the conventional wisdom about her lack of experience (yes, she really, really said this! Lynne's remarks in yellow).

"My experience as an executive will be put to good use as a mayor and business owner and oil and gas regulator and then as governor of a huge state, a huge energy producing state that is accounting for much progress towards getting our nation energy independence and that's extremely important. (one, incoherent sentence that goes from future to past tense).

But it wasn't just that experience tapped into, it was my connection to the heartland of America. Being a mom, one very concerned about a son in the war, about a special needs child, about kids heading off to college, how are we going to pay those tuition bills? About times and Todd and our marriage in our past where we didn't have health insurance and we know what other Americans are going through as they sit around the kitchen table and try to figure out how are they going to pay out-of-pocket for health care? We've been there also so that connection was important. (No comment other than, yes, Sarah, we're all so sure you are one of us.)

But even more important is that world view that I share with John McCain. That world view that says that America is a nation of exceptionalism. (I cannot discuss the dangers of people who espouse this particular concept of exceptionalism. Perhaps in a future post. Not far from the concept of the view of Hitler on the master race, however.) And we are to be that shining city on a hill, as President Reagan so beautifully said, that we are a beacon of hope and that we are unapologetic here. (Who is not apologetic? I apologize for the torture, for invading a country in a war we had no business getting in to, for tapping the phones of ordinary citizens, for deporting as many people as we could with Muslim surnames or Muslim countries of origin, for forsaking those poor people in New Orleans, for out-Catroing Castro on his own island with the Gulag that is Gitmo, for running roughshod over our own Constitution...)We are not perfect as a nation. But together, we represent a perfect ideal. And that is democracy and tolerance and freedom and equal rights. Those things that we stand for that can be put to good use as a force for good in this world.

John McCain and I share that. You combine all that with being a team with the only track record of making a really, a difference in where we've been and reforming, (completely incoherent)that's a good team, it's a good ticket.

She takes your breath away.

But, she holds her own with the venerable Frances McDormand:


Donna said...

Oh my freaking God ... but first I'd like to give a shout out to Warren for making my life extra wonderful ... and he gets extra credit if he reads this. (Wink!)

Oh, there are more blindfolds that need to come off, many more. But for those who are still wearing them ... where do I sign up to be praised for not screwing up big time at my job? If that's what it takes, I should have my salary tripled!

You're not the only one to use the name Hitler. I heard it the same way you did. I said it after her convention speech.

Great video! One of my favorite scenes too!

Anonymous said...


Oh my God! Which was what I thought too.

And I have appreciated and will continue to appreciate your heartfelt, intelligent and knowledgeable political posts here (and at PS).


Pam said...

While I did watch the debate and didn't find it as shocking or objectionable as you, I'm, quite frankly, sick of all things political.

Early voting will soon begin here and I will be voting for a 3rd party candidate.

Not that it makes any difference here in Texas.

I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing the names McCain, Palin, Obama or Biden again.

I can't tell you how many people I know personally who have just been turned off by this endless election cycle.

Obama will probably win and if he can turn this economy around in 4 years that's great.

Those who are counting on all the campaign promises by him or any of the candidates are in for a rude awakening in light of the current economical meltdown.

I just hope he can work across the aisle, whoever the 'he' is. One Party alone can't deal with all the problems we are facing.

quid said...

In a lot of ways, I agree with Pam. I'm as drunk on this political mishmash as I am on football at the end of BCS week.

Then I get the hangover.

The reality is, I chose a side and I'm living the political battle a little vicariously.

But I do think that the endlessness of it all, the money that's been spent, and the very real assertion that whoever inherits the office of the Prez will have a 4 year battle that maybe no one can win... sigh.


Bob said...

Although I love reading your blog, appreciate your blogger friendship and know with assurance that, were you running for vice president you would speak with perfect eloquence, I disagree with virtually every word you have written here. We have a system in the United States where we elect PEOPLE to represent us and serve in government. Some of those people come from aristocratic backgrounds; some of them come from simpler backgrounds. One of the wonderful things about this country is that each of these types of people can grow up and run for any office he/she wishes.

The Democrats and their allies in the media absolutely cannot stand it that John McCain had the gall to pick a woman, and a self-made woman at that, to be his running mate. Damnit, if you're going to pick up a woman, it's supposed to be a pro-choice feminist. The nerve of him to pick a woman who comes from (gasp!) Alaska, is a mother of five, seems to have a good marriage and has espoused conservative principles.

But don't worry, Quid, it's over. The media have been largely succesful in painting Sarah Palin the way they want us to see her, just as they have fawned over Obama since he came out of the gate. Obama and Biden will cruise to an easy victory (and BTW, I thought Biden was incredibly courteous, kind and thoughtul in their debate, which I thought was very civil until NBC told me what I really saw). They'll tell us they really intended to advance their causes of universal health care, job creation, etc. but doggone it (if I may steal a SP line), we have to rescue the finanical industry and there is only so much money to go around.

McCain will continue his distinguished Senate career. Sarah Palin will return to Alaska and continue to govern capably and raise her family, and be one of the most popular of our nation's governors.

And in 8 - 12 years when we have been taxed to death and are again tired of the way things are going, another Republican will be elected to our nation's highest office. And the cycle will continue.

quid said...

I hope you're wrong about the future, Bob. No matter which party wins, I'm an optimist. Things haven't been this rotten in the US for a long, long time. I really believe that things will get better.

I do disagree on the future of Sarah Palin. This is not about her being a woman. This is not about the media. This is about a woman with as much moral fiber as Dick Cheney.

When they lose in November, she will go back to Alaska and suffer the consequences of the ethics exam, whatever they are. The state of Alaska is going to be over Sarah Palin. Although she'll write the book and have a solid future in lobbying, or somesuch, her political future looks like Dan Quayle's to me.

The two of us will probably compare notes and laugh about this some years in the future.


Bob said...

Last word on this, I promise, but I'm an optimist too -- optimmistic the Republicans will occupy the White House again and be the majority party in Congress. I do look forward to comparing notes someday.