Some Stuff About Me:

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I'm a Minnesota Girl, living in the south. I tell my friends I try not to talk and think like a Yankee, but sometimes I slip up!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Time for a Blogthing!

I liked this one! Thanks, Serena.

You Are Chocolate Pudding

You are both mature and playful. You have two sides to your personality that are constantly dueling it out.

Part of you likes all of the finer things in life while part of you is just like a big kid.

No matter what side you choose, you are always adventurous and dramatic. You take life by the horns.

You are up for fun of all kinds, and it's hard for you to say no. You tend to go until you drop.


Kelly said...

I think in general yours fits you and mine fits me.

You Are Banana Pudding

You are playful and optimistic. You have a childlike innocence that you've worked hard to cultivate.

You are unpretentious and real. You don't put on airs... you're happy with who you are!

You are a natural caretaker and a loyal friend. When you don't know what to do, you know you can at least be there for people.

It's likely that you still love the place you grew up in. Home and roots are very important to you.

Marion said...

Well, I've never had Caramel Pudding, but I'll take this:

You Are Caramel Pudding

You are rich and layered. You have many facets to your personality, but you are sweet at your core.
You are cultured and cosmopolitan. (LOL!) It's likely that you are well traveled and well read.

You are good at moderation. You know how to indulge just the right amount, and you indulge often.
You are an epicurean and a foodie. You are constantly seeking out new flavors and combinations.

Pam said...

Post it now!

I'd rather be chcolate pudding...

You Are Banana Pudding

You are playful and optimistic. You have a childlike innocence that you've worked hard to cultivate.
You are unpretentious and real. You don't put on airs... you're happy with who you are!

You are a natural caretaker and a loyal friend. When you don't know what to do, you know you can at least be there for people.
It's likely that you still love the place you grew up in. Home and roots are very important to you.

Serena said...

I am Banana Pudding, too -- most of which I agree with.:)