Some Stuff About Me:

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I'm a Minnesota Girl, living in the south. I tell my friends I try not to talk and think like a Yankee, but sometimes I slip up!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

This is so beautiful

When I first saw it, I sent it to someone I love. I've gone back to it a few times, and thought I'd share with more of the world. In advance of National Poetry month, a beautiful love poem from Maya Stein....

the language between us

Not in the way of verbs. Not like the exchange at the post office, the weighing in,

the request for faster service. Not like the bartender taking an order, or the saleswoman

proffering a selection of black dresses. Not like a hand rising in a classroom, the answer

tipping out of the mouth. Not like directions from the gas station attendant or

telling the time to a stranger or the pleasantries of the checkout clerk. Not like previews

in a dark movie theater, the assault of a soundtrack. Not like the stoic delivery of news

anchors or the urgings of the gym instructor or the televangelist booming from the stage.

Instead, the language between us threading through the cracks, in air and breath and page

and all the nuance of a simple, single glance. Our tongue is split in half, our body into thirds,

love pulsing in the center of it all, a beautiful failure of words.

~Maya Stein


Serena said...

It IS beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

A very beautiful poem! And I am looking forward to National Poetry Month. Raven

Kelly said...

Yes, quite beautiful.